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UDI Symbol: A New Way to Identify Medical Devices

UDI Symbol: A New Way to Identify Medical Devices

9th Mar 2022

The UDI symbol is a new way to identify UDIs on medical device packaging. It is optional, but the FDA recommends that manufacturers use it on devices with multiple barcodes.

The UDI symbol is a simple way to improve patient safety and reduce the risk of medical errors. It can help healthcare providers to quickly and easily identify the correct UDI, which is important for tracking devices and ensuring that patients receive the correct treatment.

The UDI symbol is also a valuable tool for healthcare organizations. It can help to streamline inventory control and charge capture and billing.

Here are some of the benefits of using the UDI symbol:

  • Improved patient safety: The UDI symbol can help healthcare providers to quickly and easily identify the correct UDI, which is important for tracking devices and ensuring that patients receive the correct treatment.
  • Reduced risk of medical errors: The UDI symbol can help to reduce the risk of medical errors by making it easier for healthcare providers to identify the correct device.
  • Streamlined inventory control: The UDI symbol can help healthcare organizations to streamline inventory control by making it easier to track devices.
  • Streamlined charge capture and billing: The UDI symbol can help healthcare organizations to streamline charge capture and billing by making it easier to identify the correct device.

If you are a healthcare provider or healthcare organization, we encourage you to look for the UDI symbol on medical device packaging. It is a simple way to improve patient safety and streamline your operations.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your healthcare supply chain goals.

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