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BsaI (C09-0785-223)


Catalog No.
Manufacturer No.
Manufacturer Name
Aladdin Scientific
Unit of Measure
Price: $3,821.17
List Price: $4,245.74

Product DescriptionRestriction endonucleases are abbreviated as restriction enzymes, which are a type of nucleic acid that can recognize a specific deoxynucleotide sequence and cleave the phosphodiester bond between two deoxyribonucleotides in a

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Product DescriptionRestriction endonucleases are abbreviated as restriction enzymes, which are a type of nucleic acid that can recognize a specific deoxynucleotide sequence and cleave the phosphodiester bond between two deoxyribonucleotides in a specific part of each chain. Dicer. Restriction enzymes are an important part of the "restriction-modification system". Its biological function is mainly to protect the host from foreign DNA infection. It is now widely used in gene location and cloning, gene structure research, DNA sequence analysis and determination, and gene Synthesis and other fields. BsaI is derived from Bacillus stearothermophilus and is a commonly used restriction endonuclease.This product uses recombinant protein production technology to obtain restricted enzyme BsaI. It is produced with medicinal raw materials and excipients, and strictly controls host protein residues, nucleic acid residues, etc., conforms to GMP standard product production and quality management procedures, and guarantees the production process and all raw materials Traceable.Product UsageMolecular cloning; Genotyping; Southern hybridization; Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP).Features1. This product has strong specificity and can specifically cut the DNA sequence it recognizes. The recognition sequence is as follows:    5,...GGTCTC(N)1↓...3,    3,...CCAGAG(N)5↑...5,2. Influence of methylation modification:    Affected by CpG methylation, the sequence is completely overlapped and cut off;    Affected by Dcm methylation, the sequence is completely overlapped, and shearing is blocked;    Affected by EcoBI methylation, the sequence completely overlaps, cutting may be blocked;    It is not affected by Dam methylation, the sequence has no overlap, and the cutting will not be hindered.Preservation system10 mM Tris-HCl; 300 mM NaCl; 1 mM DTT; 0.1 mM EDTA; 0.5mg/ml HSA; 50% Glycerol; pH 7.4 at 25°C.PrecautionsBsaI is sensitive to some methylation modifications. When using it, make sure that the enzyme digestion substrate does not have BsaI-sensitive methylation modifications.Quality requirements Project Standard Method Exterior Clear liquid Visual inspection Visible foreign body Compliance Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 edition, the fourth part of the first method of lamp inspection (general rule 0904) pH value 7.0-8.0 Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition Part IV pH Determination Method (General Principle 0631) active 10 KU/ml-10.5KU/ml DNA fragment digestion method purity >95% Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition Part IV High Performance Liquid Chromatography (General Principle 0512) Endonuclease residue Degradation of PYC plasmid does not exceed 10% 10U enzyme and PYC plasmid, incubated at 37C for 16h Exonuclease residue 019HIiidIII DNA degradation does not exceed 10% 10U enzyme and 019HIiidIII DNA, incubate at 37°C for 16h RNase residue MS II-RNA degradation does not exceed 10% 10U enzyme and MS II-RNA, incubate at 37°C for 16h Bacterial endotoxin content <lOEU/mg Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition Fourth Gel Limit Test Method (General Rule 1143) Residual amount of exogenous DNA <10pg/KU Fluorescence quantitative PCR Host protein residue <50ppm Tao Lian Immunoassay Mycoplasma detection feminine Mycoplasma detection kit Heavy metal residue <10 ppm Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition Fourth Heavy Metal Inspection Method (General Principle 0821) Follow the following specifications for production1. ISO 9001:2015, certified facility.2. "GMP Appendix-Cell Therapy Products" State Drug Administration.3. "General Introduction to Human Gene Therapy-Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020" National Pharmacopoeia Commission.4. USP Chapter <1043>, Ancillary Materials for Cell, Gene, and Tissue-Engineered Products are used as excipients in cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue engineering products.5. USP Chapter <92>, Growth Factors and Cytokines Used in Cell Therapy Manufacturing Cytokines and growth factors used in the production of cell therapy products.6. Ph. Eur. General Chapter 5.2.12, Raw Materials of Biological Origin for the Production of Cell-based and Gene Therapy Medicinal Products. Specifications and Purity: Pharmaceutical grade, ≥95%.
8-12 weeks
0.96 Ounces
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