C292326-100gIt has expansibility and ductility, and becomes brittle at 80 ℃. It is easily soluble in dilute nitric acid and slowly soluble in hot hydrochloric acid, and hardly reacts when it is cold. It can be converted into sulfate by hot sulfuric acid. At 18
C292326-25gIt has expansibility and ductility, and becomes brittle at 80 ℃. It is easily soluble in dilute nitric acid and slowly soluble in hot hydrochloric acid, and hardly reacts when it is cold. It can be converted into sulfate by hot sulfuric acid. At 18
C292326-500gIt has expansibility and ductility, and becomes brittle at 80 ℃. It is easily soluble in dilute nitric acid and slowly soluble in hot hydrochloric acid, and hardly reacts when it is cold. It can be converted into sulfate by hot sulfuric acid. At 18