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End of Life (EoL) and End of Service Life (EoSL): What You Need to Know

End of Life (EoL) and End of Service Life (EoSL): What You Need to Know

16th May 2022

As your facility's equipment gets older, you may receive confusing notices from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). For example, you may be told your equipment has reached its "end of life" or even "end of service life."

What does this mean for you? And what are your options?

What is End of Life (EoL)?

When an OEM says a piece of equipment has reached its end of life, they are signaling that they will no longer produce more of the product. A new generation with more technological features may be planned, or a completely different product is forthcoming. Either way, the OEM wants to refocus efforts on the updated version instead of older pieces of equipment.

What does this mean for you?

  • You won't receive firmware updates or patches.
  • You will have to pay for an extended service contract to get maintenance or technical support.
  • You will have to rely on your clinical engineering team to maintain the equipment to the best of their ability.
  • It will become a challenge to find OEM parts.

In short, your equipment should continue to function, and you should be able to get support if something goes wrong — but likely at an additional cost or effort on your part.

What is End of Service Life (EoSL)?

EoSL is similar to EoL, but it's much more final. When OEMs declare the EoSL for a product, it signals they will no longer provide support in any way.

What does this mean for you?

  • The OEM won't offer service or maintenance.
  • If the company does offer it, you will pay a premium to access an OEM technician.
  • Parts or accessories will be very difficult, if not impossible, to get.

EoSL is an OEM's way of saying, "We're officially done with this product."

Options for EoL and EoSL Equipment

If an OEM has declared a piece of equipment EoL or EoSL, you might assume you have no option but to make a significant capital investment. But that's not the case at all. You can work with a third-party maintenance provider to keep your equipment running smoothly.

A third-party maintenance provider has connections with expert vendors that can fix and repair clinical laboratory and medical equipment after the OEM has stepped back. Additionally, third-party maintenance providers usually have access to OEM parts through well-sourced supply networks.

Here are some of the benefits of working with a third-party maintenance provider:

  • Extended equipment lifespan: Just because an OEM stops supporting a piece of equipment doesn't mean it's obsolete. If the product is still working for your organization, there's no reason to stop using it. You can stretch your initial investment and extend the lifespan of your equipment by working with a third-party maintenance provider.
  • Upgrades when you're ready: OEMs usually don't ask customers when they're ready to buy new equipment. They declare equipment EoL and EoSL on their own timetable, not yours. But you don't need to feel pushed to buy a new model or upgrade until your organization is ready. Working with a third-party maintenance provider allows you to both plan for the transition and budget for a new equipment purchase on your terms.
  • Expert repairs: Relying on an experienced technician with access to OEM parts is a much better option than sourcing parts yourself. Technicians who work for third-party maintenance providers are familiar with your equipment and know where to find the right parts when repairs are needed.
  • Lower costs: After EoL or EoSL, getting product support from OEMs is extremely expensive. OEMs may charge a premium for access to their factory-trained technicians. A third-party maintenance provider offers technicians with the same skill sets. The only difference is, these technicians don't work for the OEM, typically making these cost much lower.
  • Customized services: Third-party maintenance providers strive to give you the right service solution for your organization. They can perform repairs in a way that creates minimal downtime for your staff. You can also customize your plan to get the exact service support you need.

If you have equipment that is approaching EoL or EoSL, consider working with a third-party maintenance provider. It can be a more cost-effective and flexible way to keep your equipment running smoothly.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your healthcare supply chain goals.

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