4321Quick-acting Wright Giemsa Stain for immediate staining of biological specimens, ensuring rapid and reliable results in clinical laboratories.
ENG Scientific
Stat-Quick Wright Giemsa Stain and Matching Buffer (2 Gallons)
Price: $560.00List Price: $616.00Comprehensive staining kit with matching buffer solution, specifically designed for rapid and accurate blood smear staining, essential in clinical diagnostics and hematology. -
ENG Scientific
Stat-Quick Wright Giemsa Stain and Matching Buffer (2 x 250mL)
Price: $86.00List Price: $94.60Staining solution and matching buffer provided in two bottles each, formulated for rapid processing and staining of tissue sections for diagnostic purposes. -
ENG Scientific
Stat-Quick Wright Giemsa Stain and Matching Buffer (2 x 950mL)
Price: $226.00List Price: $248.60Combined stain and buffer for Wright-Giemsa staining. -
4310Quick staining solution for Wright staining.
4300Two bottles of Stat-Quick Wright stain, optimized for rapid staining of blood smears and other biological specimens in clinical laboratories, enabling quick visualization and analysis of cellular morphology.
4301Fast-acting Wright Stain formulation for rapid staining of blood and bone marrow smears, provided in a convenient volume for urgent diagnostic needs.
ENG Scientific
Stat-Quick Wright Stain and Matching Buffer (2 Gallons)
Price: $517.00List Price: $568.70Specialized staining kit and buffer for rapid preparation and staining of blood smears, enabling quick visualization and analysis of blood components under microscopy. -
ENG Scientific
Stat-Quick Wright Stain and Matching Buffer (2 x 250mL)
Price: $76.00List Price: $83.60Staining solution and matching buffer provided in two bottles each, formulated for rapid processing and staining of tissue sections for diagnostic purposes. -
ENG Scientific
Stat-Quick Wright Stain and Matching Buffer (2 x 950mL)
Price: $194.00List Price: $213.40Rapid staining kit comprising Wright Stain and its matching buffer, supplied in two bottles each for urgent diagnostic applications. -
4400A staining kit comprising four bottles of Sudan Black B stain solution, commonly used in histology for the detection and visualization of lipids and lipid-containing structures in tissue sections, aiding in pathological analysis.
4410Sudan Black B solution for lipid staining.