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IgG/RF Adsorbent (C09-1105-310)


Catalog No.
Manufacturer No.
Manufacturer Name
Aladdin Scientific
Unit of Measure
Price: $192.70
List Price: $214.11

Product Description:Active blocker, recommended for IgM detection products.IgM antibody detection is an effective diagnostic method to determine the initial or early infection of pathogens. Rheumatoid factor (RF) and specific IgG antibodies in serum

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Product Description:Active blocker, recommended for IgM detection products.IgM antibody detection is an effective diagnostic method to determine the initial or early infection of pathogens. Rheumatoid factor (RF) and specific IgG antibodies in serum samples may affect the specificity and sensitivity of detection reagents, resulting in erroneous results. Using IgG/RF adsorbent to pretreat samples to remove the above-mentioned substances that may interfere is the simplest and fastest way to improve detection specificity, sensitivity and stability.Goat anti-human IgG (Fc) antibody (0.01M PBS, pH7.4), purified by antigen affinity chromatography, with a purity ≥ 95%, filtered through 0.2 μm, without adding preservatives.Filtration: 0.2umNotes:Long-term storage should be ≤-20°C. The product can be stored at 2°C-8°C for a short period of time without opening, and the storage time should not exceed 7 days. Because this product does not add any preservatives, if it is opened and used, it is not recommended to store it at 2-8°C. For long-term storage at ℃, it should be subpackaged and stored at ≤-20℃.Technical background:Specific IgM detection is a serological diagnostic method for judging the initial or early infection of pathogens. Rheumatoid factor (RF) and specific IgG antibodies in serum samples may affect the specificity and sensitivity of detection reagents, resulting in erroneous results. It is the simplest and fastest way to improve the specificity, sensitivity and stability of detection by using IgG/RF adsorbent, a special blocking agent for IgM detection, to pretreat the sample to remove the above-mentioned substances that may interfere.Action principle:After the adsorbent is in contact with the sample, the IgG antibody in the serum reacts with the adsorbent to form an IgG complex, which prevents it from competing with the IgM to be tested for antigen binding, and improves the detection sensitivity. At the same time, the rheumatoid factor (RF) that may exist in the sample will be eliminated. The IgG complex is adsorbed to remove its interference to the detection process.Method of application:1. Immunochromatographic productsThe adsorbent can be added to the sample processing pad at a certain concentration, and the concentration used is determined through a gradient test according to the amount of sample used.2. ELISA products2.1. The sample can be pretreated by adding the adsorbent to the sample diluent.2.2. Determine the content of the adsorbent in the sample diluent according to the sample usage and dilution of the corresponding product, and the most suitable concentration should be determined through a gradient test.2.3. The pretreatment time is between 5 and 30 minutes and should be determined experimentally.2.4. The pretreated sample may appear turbid due to IgG complexes. It can be centrifuged at low speed for 2-3 minutes to remove the precipitate and take the supernatant for detection. If it is verified that the turbid sample has no effect on the experimental results, it can be directly tested.2.5. The effect of adding adsorbents on the reaction system in the sample dilution should be fully considered to ensure that the active ingredients in the sample dilution are not affected by the adsorbent.3. Other IgM detection products The use method and concentration of the adsorbent should be determined according to the corresponding technical route and detection method. An inappropriate concentration of the adsorbent may cause precipitation, and the most suitable concentration should be selected through experiments. Specifications and Purity: ≥95%.
8-12 weeks
1.09 Ounces
Product Size:

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