2775Combines illumination and magnification, taking-less time to see and safely remove foreign bodies., Ear Forcep without Light Source, 10/bx (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.
2850Take less time to safely and accurately place a foam block deep in the ear., Lighted Placement Tool, Each Box Includes: (15) Lighted Placement Tools, (1) Light Source, (1) Magnification Lense, 15/bx (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.
2625Combines illumination and magnification with the efficiency of a suction device, taking less time to see and safely remove ear canal and nasal obstructions., Lighted Suction Handles, Each Box Includes: (25) Handles, (1) Light Source, (1) Magnificatio
2630KCombines illumination and magnification with the efficiency of a suction device, taking less time to see and safely remove ear canal and nasal obstructions., Suction Pump Kit for Lighted Suction Handle, Kit Includes: (1) Pump, 6' Tubing, 10' Tubing)
2635Combines illumination and magnification with the efficiency of a suction device, taking less time to see and safely remove ear canal and nasal obstructions., Suction Tubing for Lighted Suction Handle, 10' (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.
2265Provides magnification for all Lighted Technology products. Lighted Ear Curettes, Lighted Suction, Lighted Forceps, Lighted Articulating and Lighted Placement Tool.
7270Provide safe and comfortable ear irrigation without the backsplash, at half the cost of a self-constructed device., Ear Irrigation System Kit, Includes: (20) OtoClear Tips, (1) Aquabot Bottle, (1) Ear Basin (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon
7275Provide safe and comfortable ear irrigation without the backsplash, at half the cost of a self-constructed device., Ear Irrigation System Kit, Includes: (5) OtoClear Tips, (1) Aquabot Bottle, (1) Ear Basin (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.
7290Ear Irrigation, SprayWash Kit, Includes: (20) OtoClear Tips, (1) SprayWash Bottle, (1) Ear Basin (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.com, through fulfillment on Amazon.
7295Ear Irrigation, SprayWash Kit, Includes: (5) OtoClear Tips, (1) SprayWash Bottle, (1) Ear Basin (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.com, through fulfillment on Amazon.
7280Ear Irrigation System Kit, Includes: (40) OtoClear Tips, (1) Portable Electronic Irrigator, (1) Ear Basin (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.com, through fulfillment on Amazon.
7245Ear Irrigation System Kit, Includes: (5) OtoClear Tips, (1) Portable Electronic Irrigator, (1) Ear Basin (US Only) Products cannot be sold on Amazon.com, through fulfillment on Amazon.