TC-5-EVA-BK-100Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-BK-1000Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-B-100Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-B-1000Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-G-100Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-G-1000Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-Y-100Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.
TC-5-EVA-Y-1000Our standard NMR tube caps are now available in 12 different colors for better solvent labeling capabilities. We are happy to present these caps to you in order to make your experiments easier and more efficient.