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Mix and Go Competent CellsJM109 10x100æl

Catalog No.
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Manufacturer Name
Zymo Research Corporation
Unit of Measure
Price: $282.59
List Price: $313.98

T3003 through T3009: The Z-Competent E. coli strains are premade, chemically competent cells for simple and highly efficient DNA transformation.

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T3003 through T3009: The Z-Competent E. coli strains are premade, chemically competent cells for simple and highly efficient DNA transformation. Z-Competent E. coli cells are made chemically competent by a method that completely eliminates the need for heat shocking and related procedures. For transformation, simply mix DNA with cells and then spread onto solid medium Mix  &  Go! The premade Z-Competent cells are highly efficient (> 10 8 transformants / µg pUC19) and can be used for cloning, sub-cloning, PCR fragment cloning, library construction, etc. Premade Z-Competent Strain JM109 cells are supplied as a pack of 10 convenient 100 micro liter/tube single use aliquots or in a 96-tube format with removable 8-tube strips for your high-throughput transformation needs. Genotype: F`[traD36 proA+B+ laclq (lacZ)M15] (lac-proAB) glnV44 (supE44) e14- (McrA-) thi gyrA96 (NalR) endA1 hsdR17(rk- mk+) relA1 recA1 T3010: Mix & Go! Competent Cells- Zymo 5a (96 x 50 l) w/ 96-well PCR plates and Cover Foils T3011, T3013 and T3017: The Z-Competent E. coli strains are premade, chemically competent cells for simple and highly efficient DNA transformation. Z-Competent E. coli cells are made chemically competent by a method that completely eliminates the need for heat shocking and related procedures. For transformation, simply mix DNA with cells and then spread onto solid medium Mix  &  Go! The premade Z-Competent cells are highly efficient (> 10 8 transformants / µg pUC19) and can be used for cloning, sub-cloning, PCR fragment cloning, library construction, etc. Premade Z-Competent Strain HB101 cells are supplied as a pack of 10 convenient 100 micro liter/tube single use aliquots or in a 96-tube format with removable 8-tube strips for your high-throughput transformation needs. Genotype: F- (gpt-proA)62 leuB6 glnV44 (supE44) ara-14 galK2 lacY1 ?(mcrC-mrr) xyl-5 mtl-1 recA13 thi-1 rpsL20 (SmR) . T3019: Mix & Go! Competent Cells-Zymo 10B (10 x 100 µl) T3020: Mix & Go! Competent Cells- Zymo 10B (96 x 50 µl) T3021, T3031, T3041 and T3051: XJ Autolysis E. coli strains are a new alternative for bacterial transformation and lysis. These strains are efficiently lysed following arabinose-induced expression of the bacteriophage λ endolysin protein, coupled to a single freeze-thaw cycle. The strains simplify protein expression and purification, and are also applicable for nucleic acid purification. They are also available with a DE3 lysogen encoding the T7 polymerase for expressing recombinant proteins driven by the T7 promoter.
3 Days
1.00 Ounces

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