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qTOWER3 G touch 96 well 115V

Catalog No.
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Analytik Jena US
Unit of Measure
Price: $62,851.13
List Price: $69,834.59

qTOWER 3 - Get in touch with high-class qPCR Patented fiber-optic system for ideal illumination and excitation of all 96 probes without edge effects Minimal scan times of 6 seconds for up to 6-fold multiplexing Optional filter configuration of 12

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qTOWER 3 - Get in touch with high-class qPCR Patented fiber-optic system for ideal illumination and excitation of all 96 probes without edge effects Minimal scan times of 6 seconds for up to 6-fold multiplexing Optional filter configuration of 12 high-resolution, retrofittable color or FRET modules Novel light source containing 4 long-life LEDs without pre-warm time Innovative silver block with ramping rates up to 8 °C/sec and excellent temperature homogeneity Optional gradient function, including linear gradient tool programming Standalone operation via integrated tablet control (10") and/or comprehensive PC control Use of different optical plastic materials in 0.2 mL format Intuitive, multilingual control and evaluation software Comprehensive portfolio of evaluation algorithms ranging from a simple Ct-value determination to ddCt-method and multi-plate analysis Vision, Amazement, Simplicity: the new qTOWER 3 real-time PCR thermal cycler from Analytik Jena. The patented fiber optic shuttle system with unique light source powered by 4 high-performance LED’s guarantees ideal excitation and detection of known fluorescent dyes up to the dark red. In addition, the system’s highly sensitive detection module can be equipped with up to 6 different color modules. Color modules are upgradeable, allowing the system to benefit from future Analytik Jena developments. And, enjoy peace of mind knowing that the qTOWER 3 ’s optical components are backed by an industry-leading 10-year warranty. Silver block technology is at the heart of the qTOWER 3 , offering outstanding temperature control accuracy of ±0.1°C over the entire 96 well block. Optionally, the linear gradient function is the optimal tool to easily adjust the instrument to new assays. The qTOWER 3 is available either as stand-alone device with integrated 10" tablet or as PC-based system. The software comes with a broad spectrum of optimized analysis algorithms including absolute and relative quantification, melt point analysis, ddCt method, PCR efficiency, allelic discrimination, endpoint and protein determination. Patented fiber optic shuttle system In the field of quantitative real-time PCR a wide variety of fluorescent dyes with different characteristics are applicable. In order to optimally excite each of these dyes over a wide spectral range, a novel light source with four long-life LEDs in red, green, blue and white (RGBW) is used in qTOWER 3 . The RGBW LED ensures best possible quantum yield of each dye in real-time PCR experiment. Highly sophisticated multiplex applications with up to 6 fluorescent-labeled probes from the blue to the near-infrared range are no challenge anymore.  Fiber Optic System: The integrated shuttle system with 8 optical-fibers ensures an extremely fast read-out of the entire 96 well plate in only 6 seconds - irrespective of the number of dyes to be measured. In addition, all components of the high-performance optics come with a 10-year long-term guarantee. Maximum flexibility Depending on the application qTOWER 3 ’s Filter Module System can be freely configured and upgraded, to both intercalating and proteinbinding dyes, as well as to hydrolysis (e.g. Taqman®) and hybridization (FRET) probes. The system is future-proof, being easily retrofitted on-site with additional Color, FRET or Protein Modules, and can thus be adapted to other fields of application at any time. All filter modules contain an optimized combination of excitation and emission filters which, in combination with the light source, enable the ideal detection of a multitude of commercially available fluorescent dyes. Innovative silver block technology Basis for a reliable performance of quantitative real-time PCR in qTOWER 3 is the sample block. To ensure best possible results and outstanding energy transfer into the sample, the thermal block is made of gold-coated silver serving much better physical properties than aluminum. As a result, the qTOWER 3 is characterized by excellent temperature control accuracy of ±0.1°C (over 96 wells) and first-class heating rates of up to 8°C/sec. This combination makes the overall system the ultimate for any real-time PCR application. To guarantee the highest specificities for different assays, the device is available with a gradient function of up to 40°C spread over 12 columns. Rather then defining upper and lower temperatures as limits, the Linear Gradient Tool (LGT) allows to define simply the temperature increments as integer around the calcu-lated annealing temperature of primers in a linear fashion thus making operation of the qTOWER 3 simple and intuitive. To avoid condensation and the resulting loss of samples, the system is equipped with a motorized heated lid. This can be variably set up to 110°C and guarantees, regardless of the con-sumables used an optimal contact pressure on the sample vessels during the entire real-time PCR run. Intuitive operation and automatic evaluation The control and evaluation software qPCRsoft follows the concept that it should be flexible and user friendly. The logical arrangement of all tools, the intuitive handling and, last but not least, the parameter-oriented memory and programming design make the use of the software simple and clear. During an actual run, the data from previous experiments can be evaluated in parallel without complication. Get in touch with qTOWER 3 The outstanding performance of the qTOWER 3 can be optionally expanded with the aid of a through-and-through innovative operation concept. The qTOWER 3 touch is a modern stand-alone system which renders the need of an external control system unnecessary. The integrated 10" tablet leaves nothing to be desired with regard to experiment planning and implementation. The touch operation provides the user with a simple, intuitive menu navigation and both cycler programming as well as online monitoring and final Ct-value determination. The data files are compatible at all times with the comprehensive PC software and easily allow following evaluations. Regardless of whether it is qTOWER 3  or qTOWER 3   touch - the real-time PCR thermal cyclers from Analytik Jena are the ideal and reliable tool for everyday lab work.
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