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SP Rabbit & Mouse HRP Kit(DAB)


Catalog No.
Manufacturer No.
Manufacturer Name
Aladdin Scientific
Unit of Measure
Price: $240.91
List Price: $267.68

Product content: Component S665512     30 preps - Blocking Buffer 300 ml - Antibody Pretreat Solution( HRP/Mouse ) 3 ml - Dilution Buffer 300 ml - Wash Buffer( 10× ) 300 ml -Product

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Product content: Component S665512     30 preps - Blocking Buffer 300 ml - Antibody Pretreat Solution( HRP/Mouse ) 3 ml - Dilution Buffer 300 ml - Wash Buffer( 10× ) 300 ml -Product Introduction:This reagent kit is designed based on the principle that biotin and Streptavidin have a strong affinity. After the primary antibody of rabbit or mouse origin binds to the corresponding target antigen, the biotinylated antibody in this kit • • Rabbit/mouse universal secondary antibody specifically binds to the primary antibody; The biotin labeled on the secondary antibody binds to streptavidin labeled with peroxidase (HRP), forming an antigen-specific primary antibody biotinylated secondary antibody streptavidin complex labeled with HRP. HRP can catalyze substrate colorimetry, thereby inferring the presence and distribution of the tested antigen. The biotinylated secondary antibody and SA-HRP used in this reagent kit all adopt optimized labeling and purification techniques, which make their staining more sensitive and have a lower background. They are suitable for detecting formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections, as well as frozen sections, cell slides, freshly prepared blood smears, etc. The rabbit/mouse universal Streptavidin HRP kit is suitable for use with Kangwei Century ready to use or concentrated antibodies.Notes:1. Add 1 drop (approximately 50) to each slice μ l) Calculation: 3ml can make 60 slices, and 18ml can make 360 slices.2.For tissues with abundant endogenous biotin content, it is best to use endogenous biotin blockers for blocking when using this kit.3. DAB working solution is prepared and used immediately, and the prepared working solution is effective within 1 hour in the dark at 2-8 ° C.4. During the experiment, avoid drying the tissue slices, so the amount of working fluid used during each incubation step must be sufficient to ensure complete coverage of the tissue sample, and incubation should be carried out in a wet box as much as possible.5. To obtain the best experimental results, please make sure to optimize the experimental conditions and reagent dosage.6. DAB is a suspected carcinogen, please take necessary protective measures when using it. 7. This product is only for scientific research and cannot be used for human reactions or treatments.Operation steps:1. Routine processing of samples such as paraffin or frozen tissue sections or cell slides to be tested.1) Preparation for staining of tissue sections or cell slides: a. Dewaxing and hydration of paraffin sections: bake at 60 º C for 1 hour, dewaxing twice with xylene for 5 minutes each time; Then immerse in gradient ethanol (anhydrous ethanol anhydrous ethanol 95% 85% 75% ethanol) and distilled water for 5 minutes each for hydration. b. Frozen sections and cell climbing sections (or climbing sections) were soaked in 0.01 M pH 7.4 PBS and washed 3 times for 5 minutes. Then cover the tissue (or cells) with 0.1% Triton X-100 and infiltrate for 15 minutes. Wash twice with 0.01 M pH 7.4 PBS for 5 minutes.2) Antigen repair of paraffin sections: In most cases, high-pressure repair with citric acid buffer is suitable for paraffin tissue sections. Preparation of repair solution: Add 10 ml of citric acid buffer (IHC antigen repair solution, 100 x) (Cat #: CW0128) to 1 L of deionized water, and mix well. Repair process: The repair solution is added to a high-pressure cooker, and the repaired slices are immersed in the repair solution (must have no tissue). Cover the pressure cooker cover, heat until evenly sprayed with steam, and start timing from the spraying. After 1-2 minutes, the pressure cooker leaves the heat source and cools naturally to room temperature. Remove the slices, rinse with distilled water, and rinse twice with PBS (0.01 M pH 7.4) for 3 minutes each time.2. Add an appropriate amount of Solution A white solution, which is an endogenous peroxidase blocking solution, and incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with PBS.3. Add an appropriate amount of Solution B white solution dropwise, which is sealed with normal sheep serum working solution. Incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes and shake dry.4. Add an appropriate amount of primary antibody working solution (commercial ready to use antibodies or concentrated antibodies diluted in appropriate proportions) dropwise, incubate according to experimental requirements, and then rinse thoroughly with PBS.5. Add an appropriate amount of Solution C yellow solution, namely biotin labeled sheep anti rabbit/mouse secondary antibody working solution, incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes, and rinse thoroughly with PBS.6. Add an appropriate amount of Solution D red solution, which is HRP labeled streptavidin. Incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with PBS.7. Preparation of DAB color working solution: According to the required amount, mix DAB-A and DAB-B in a volume ratio of 1:19 to obtain DAB color working solution. Alternatively, one drop (approximately 50) can be added per milliliter of reagent B μ l) Reagent A, mix well.8. Color development: Add an appropriate amount of DAB color development working solution to the tissue section or cell slide that needs to be developed, and the color development time is generally 1-5 minutes. Observe and control the color development time under a microscope. When the optimal color development effect is achieved, rinse with tap water to terminate the color development. The colored slices are re stained, dehydrated and transparent, and can be stored for a long time after sealing.
8-12 weeks
17.64 Ounces
Product Size:

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