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SuperRT One Step RT-PCR Kit


Catalog No.
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Manufacturer Name
Aladdin Scientific
Unit of Measure
Price: $719.88
List Price: $799.87

This reagent kit is specially developed for one-step RT-PCR experiments. Reverse transcription and PCR are carried out in the same reaction system, without the need to add reagents or open the tube cap during the reaction process, which improves

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This reagent kit is specially developed for one-step RT-PCR experiments. Reverse transcription and PCR are carried out in the same reaction system, without the need to add reagents or open the tube cap during the reaction process, which improves detection sensitivity and experimental efficiency while avoiding contamination. This kit includes a brand new high-efficiency reverse transcriptase, a fast hot start DNA polymerase, as well as reaction buffer suitable for reverse transcription and PCR amplification, and other components necessary for the experiment. The loss of activity of SuperRT reverse transcriptase RNase H reduces RNA degradation in reverse transcription reactions. This reverse enzyme has high reverse transcription efficiency and can perform good reverse transcription reactions on a small amount of RNA templates. The rapid hot start DNA polymerase used in PCR reaction has excellent performance of high amplification efficiency, strong specificity, and fast extension speed. The unique buffering system maximizes the efficiency of both reverse transcriptase and polymerase. The target product amplified using this reagent kit has an A base attached to the 3 'end, which can be directly used for T/A cloning. : : :Component: :S665660 100 rxns: : : :SuperRT OneStep EnzymeMix: :50 μl: : : :2×SuperRT OneStep Buffer: :1.4 ml: : : :RNase-Free Water: :1.5 ml: : : :Notes:1. During the operation process, RNase contamination should be avoided to prevent RNA degradation or cross contamination during experiments. It is recommended to perform RNA operations in specialized areas, use specialized instruments and consumables, and have operators wear masks and disposable gloves, and frequently change gloves.2. Disposable plastic containers should be used as much as possible for experiments. If glass containers are used, they should be treated with a 0.1% DEPC (diethyl pyrocarbonate) aqueous solution at 37 ℃ for 12 hours, and sterilized under high pressure at 120 ℃ for 30 minutes before use. Alternatively, glass containers should be sterilized under dry heat at 180 ℃ for 60 minutes before use. The sterile water used in the experiment should be treated with 0.1% DEPC and then subjected to high-pressure sterilization.3. All reagents in this reagent kit should be gently mixed upside down before use, avoiding foaming as much as possible, and used after brief centrifugation. The enzymes involved should be returned to -20 ℃ as soon as possible after use to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.4. This reagent kit must use specific primers, and the selection of primers can be based on specific experiments. The quality of primer design directly affects the results of RT-PCR reactions. When designing primers, factors such as GC content, primer length, primer position, and the secondary structure of PCR products need to be considered. It is recommended to use professional primer design software.Usage:1. Dissolve the RNA template, primers, OneStep RT-PCR Buffer, SuperRT OneStep RT-PCR EnzymeMix, and RNase Free Water and place them on ice for later use.2. Prepare the reaction system according to the following table: : : :Reagent: :25 μlReaction system: :Final concentration: : : :2×SuperRT OneStep Buffer: :12.5 μl: :1×: : : :Forward Primer,10 µM: :1 μl: :0.4 μM: : : :Reverse Primer,10 µM: :1 μl: :0.4 μM: : : :SuperRT OneStep EnzymeMix: :0.5 μl: :/: : : :RNA Template: :X μl: :1 pg – 1 µg: : : :RNase-Free Water: :up to 25 μl: :/: : : :Attention: :The primer concentration should be between 0.1 and 1.0 as the final concentration μ M serves as a reference for setting the range. In the case of low amplification efficiency, the concentration of primers can be increased; When non-specific reactions occur, the primer concentration can be reduced to optimize the reaction system.3. Vortex and shake well, centrifuge briefly, and collect the solution to the bottom of the tube.4. Preheat the thermal cycler to 45 ℃, place the PCR tube in the thermal cycler, and perform RT-PCR reaction.Reaction conditions: : : :Step: :Temperature: :Time: :/: : : :Reverse transcription: :45℃: :30 min: :/: : : :PCR pre denaturation: :95℃: :2 min: : : : : :Denaturation: :94℃: :30 s: :30-40 cycles: : : :Anneal: :55-65℃: :30 s: :30-40 cycles: : : :Extend: :72℃: :30 s: :30-40 cycles: : : :Finally extended: :72℃: :5 min: :/:Attention:1) In general PCR experiments, the annealing temperature is 5 ℃ lower than the melting temperature Tm of the amplification primer, and the annealing time is generally 20-30 seconds. If the ideal amplification efficiency cannot be achieved, the annealing temperature should be appropriately reduced; When non-specific reactions occur, increase the annealing temperature to optimize the reaction conditions.2) The extension time is set based on the size of the amplified fragments, and the DNA Polymerase amplification efficiency contained in this product is 1 kb/30s.3) The number of cycles can be set based on the downstream application of the amplification product. Too few cycles, insufficient amplification; Multiple cycles increase the probability of mismatches and result in severe non-specific backgrounds. Therefore, while ensuring product yield, the number of cycles should be minimized as much as possible.5. After the reaction is complete, take 5 µ l of the reaction product, add an appropriate amount of loading buffer, and perform electrophoresis detection results. Specification: 100 rxns
8-12 weeks
17.64 Ounces
Product Size:

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