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Why Businesses Should Diversify Their Supply Chains

Why Businesses Should Diversify Their Supply Chains

11th Oct 2022

More and more businesses are consciously seeking to add diverse suppliers. This means partnering with smaller businesses owned by underrepresented groups, such as women, minorities, people with disabilities, veterans, members of the LGBTQ community, and others.

There are many benefits to diversifying your supply chain, including:

  • Increased agility: A more diverse supply chain gives you more options and makes it easier to adapt to disruptions. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses turned to smaller, diverse suppliers for urgent supplies that they couldn't get from their larger suppliers.
  • Lower costs: Smaller, diverse businesses can often provide more cost-efficient pricing than larger suppliers.
  • Increased innovation: Smaller, diverse businesses often have new ideas and perspectives that can help you develop new products and services.
  • Improved reputation: Consumers and employees are increasingly looking to support businesses that are committed to diversity and inclusion.

In addition to these business benefits, diversifying your supply chain can also have a positive impact on the communities you serve. By supporting smaller, diverse businesses, you can help to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in underserved communities.

Here are some tips for diversifying your supply chain:

  • Start by reviewing your current suppliers. Do you have a good mix of large and small suppliers? Do you work with any diverse suppliers? If not, start by identifying some potential partners.
  • Reach out to diverse supplier organizations. There are many organizations that support diverse businesses. These organizations can help you to connect with potential suppliers and learn more about their capabilities.
  • Conduct due diligence. Just as you would with any supplier, it's important to conduct due diligence on diverse suppliers before you start working with them. This includes checking their references and reviewing their financial performance.
  • Be supportive. Smaller, diverse businesses may need more support from their customers than larger suppliers. Be prepared to provide them with clear instructions and feedback.

Diversifying your supply chain is a good business decision that can also have a positive impact on your community. By partnering with diverse suppliers, you can increase your agility, lower your costs, and boost your innovation.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your healthcare supply chain goals.

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