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Wonderorangetm Protein Quantification Kit


Catalog No.
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Aladdin Scientific
Unit of Measure
Price: $141.84
List Price: $157.60

Product introduction: Wonderorange Protein quantification kit is a highly sensitive kit based on fluorescence technology for quantitative purification of proteins, and its detection protein concentration range is 0.1-10 μ G/ml. Compared with

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Product introduction: Wonderorange Protein quantification kit is a highly sensitive kit based on fluorescence technology for quantitative purification of proteins, and its detection protein concentration range is 0.1-10 μ G/ml. Compared with traditional quantitative methods such as BCA, Bradford or Lowry protein quantitative analysis, the wonderorange protein quantitative kit is more sensitive. In addition, it has better linearity and reproducibility compared with nanoorange protein quantitative determination technology. The wonderorange protein quantification kit can show the minimum variability between different proteins, and the fluorescence signal is stable for up to 16 h; The tested sample is applicable to both purified protein and antibody. It should be noted that wonderorange has different degrees of tolerance to salts, buffers, detergents or other chemicals.  Component:Product parameters:Scope of application: Ex/em 480/598 nm (bound to BSA),Figure 1 The spectra of WonderOrange and BSA under the condition of 1 × WonderOrange assay buffer. Instruction:1.Preparation of 1 × WonderOrange buffer : 1 : 10 diluted 10 × buffer in dH2O. For example, add 1 mL 10 × buffer to 9 mL dH2O. Note : A component WonderOrange buffer, 10 × is easy to produce precipitation. It can be heated at 50 °C and used after precipitation. 2.Preparation of WonderOrange working solution before use : Dilute 200 × WonderOrange dye at 1 : 200 with 1 × WonderOrange buffer. For example, add 25 μL 200 × WonderOrange dye to 5 mL 1 × WonderOrange buffer. Note : You will need approximately 3 mL of working fluid to make the standard curve ( Table 1 ) and 250 μL of working fluid per well of the test sample.3.Preparation of unknown samples : 250 μL WonderOrange working solution was added to 10 μL samples. Note : You may need to dilute unknown samples to obtain samples of different concentrations. Sample dilution may reduce the impact of interfering substances. 4.Prepare the BSA concentration required for the determination of the protein standard curve, as shown in Table 1. 5.The sample and standard protein were heated to 90 °C -95 °C for 10 min, and this process needed to be operated in dark. 6.Take out the sample and place it in the dark at room temperature to cool. All samples were collected by short-time centrifugation. 7.200 μL of each standard sample or unknown sample was transferred to a 96-well microtiter plate and read by a fluorescence microplate reader. The excitation / emission wavelengths are 480 / 598 nm. Note : In addition, the sample can be transferred to a fluorescence test tube using a fluorescence meter for measurement. If more than 200 μL volume measurement is required, the proportional amplification configuration scheme. Scope of application:Protein Quantification Kit, protein detection.
8-12 weeks
3.53 Ounces
Product Size:

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